The Crown Chiar


The Crown Chair


The crown chair is made up of a bundle of storage tube providing space for small items.It can be used in foyer area as a seat for people to put on their shoes while providing space for slippers, umbrellas, gloves, scarves and other belongings.

concept model

The concept model for this chair.

Three types of squares

There are three types of rectangular shapes and they are easy to set up by assemble the rectangular shapes into the hexagon palette.  The material I use for this chair is double-layer cardboard.


Four steps to assemble this chair.

scale of this chair

Plan View, Section View, and Elevation of the crown chair.

young man sit on the chiar young woman sit on the crown chair

This chair is design for people who owns a small apartment or people who live in dorms.  It can be a chair and also storage for people to use, and it’s also saving space.