Zigsaw – Modular Affordable Housing

Concept Statement

Zigsaw enables two roommates to have their individual private working, studying, relaxing, sleeping,
and socializing space by lofted bed and wardrobe partition. They can share communal space,
which is completely divided by partition wall. Both spaces accommodate people’s safe, entertaining,
and task-oriented space.
This apartment is mainly for two young singles around 20s-30s in Brownsville. Yet, the users can be
various kinds of two people.
It enables users to have adaptable spaces with a modular kit of furniture. It serves abundant natural
light through windows and a balcony as a semi-private area.

User Profile

Block Diagram

Floor Plan


Main Concept Diagram

It is mainly separated to two areas. Communal and individual. Living room is a shared space , but the workstation and lofted bed is individual private space for each user.

Rendered Interior Elevation

Rendered Isometric

Kit of Parts

Dining table, shoe storage, wardrobe, kitchen, workstation is used as kit of parts.

Virtual Tour youtube link