Author Archives: anabella vilchis

Window of Opportunity

“Window of Opportunity” serves as a second opportunity and a means for creating a new life for formerly homeless youths.  The living space is arranged with a clear view of the window, which provides a private outlook into world. To

Window of Opportunity

“Window of Opportunity” serves as a second opportunity and a means for creating a new life for formerly homeless youths.  The living space is arranged with a clear view of the window, which provides a private outlook into world. To


Cocoons serve as temporary homes for caterpillars during their metamorphosis into butterflies. The cocoon is a bridge between the past and the future. Similarly, Chrysalis provides a piece of home in a light-weight, affordable design. Chrysalis is designed to be


Cocoons serve as temporary homes for caterpillars during their metamorphosis into butterflies. The cocoon is a bridge between the past and the future. Similarly, Chrysalis provides a piece of home in a light-weight, affordable design. Chrysalis is designed to be