Still Life

still life pic

My still life represents how globalization is changing the world to be interconnected. My center object is an iPad, which links everyone together, advancing the world.

Most of my other objects are simple items, which have some detail in them, whether it is frosted glass, clean-cut edges or simple stainless steel. I then had three objects with a pop of colour, and added some colour to bring life to my still life, and represent my overall fashion style, which is a very simple look then to add colour to make my outfit more edgy.The most out of place object on the table was a postcard with a print of Mr. Brainwash’s Graffiti painting. I purposely put this item in to show that a simple atmosphere can still have a rather peculiar item in it, and that appearances can be deceiving. Moreover, I added a leather beige and black clutch to show the leather detail, and to give the still life warmth.