LAYER-ed Home

Office2Resi: Adaptive

Team Members: Jackson Zerrer, Fanyu Wu, Seungbin Jeong

Office to Residential Conversion

Post-Covid had shifted our workspace to home, making a lot of vacant office buildings in the city. However, the looming enforcement of Local Law 97 (LL97) next year poses a threat of substantial fines for non-compliant buildings. To address this, there is an opportunity to encourage building owners to repurpose these surplus office structures into housing.

Midtown South Mixed Used Plan (MSMX Plan)
The Midtown South Mixed-Use Plan (MSMX) aims to create lively and diverse neighborhoods throughout 42 blocks in Midtown South. MSMX focuses on these centrally located areas where new housing is not permitted under today’s half-century-old zoning rules. The plan’s goal is to increase housing options, including affordable homes, boost economic activity, and make public spaces more vibrant in these central locations.


305 7th Ave

The site building is located at the corner where 27th Street and 7th Avenue meet.

Existing Condition

23″ x 27″ concrete columns are aligned with the same distance. In a clean whitebox condition with polished concrete floors and finished exposed ceilings.

LAYER-ed Home

The LAYER-ed Home provides a much-needed missing middle housing that adapts to the diverse needs of New Yorkers through the means of deploying transformable prefabricated modular systems.

Providing spaces in which New Yorkers have the freedom not just to live but to pursue their creative drive is our top priority. These transformations allow New Yorkers to change their environment in a manner that aligns with their daily activities and needs.

The expanded layer is about the local amenities around the house that are very accessible, which becomes an extension of the living space. To make the residential experience in the office districts convenient, we considered altering the first floor to the third floor to be the facilities that are needed by the dwellers in the whole building.

Within the three layers explained on the top, we decided to add another layer and defined it as a ‘Social Layer’. Using the area on the floor that remained after designating the habitable area, the space is designed to be a communal area that can promote social fusion across all generations.

Every second floor is connected by a spiral staircase with a communal kitchen. Having a piano beside the staircase will beautifully connect the two floors with the music played by the dwellers. Modular designs of various seatings and purposes are connected to create continuous semi-private porches from the elevators to each of the units.

Single Layer Home (Link)

Extended Layer Home (Link)

Multi-Layer Home (Link)